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Historical Neighbors

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CUP 1,400.00

How well do you know your neighbor? Get to know about the differend between two countries only 90 miles apart, and how for over 120 years they've been carved by geopolitical interests. Learn about how much these differences have influeced in the way of life of Cubans and how much of Cuba is in US history and the modern age.

How well do you know your neighbor? Get to know about the differend between two countries only 90 miles apart, and how for over 120 years they've been carved by geopolitical interests. Learn about how much these differences have influeced in the way of life of Cubans and how much of Cuba is in United States history and the modern age.

This experience includes:
* Visit to historical landmarks such as the Maine monument, Havana's bay, the Capitol or The Revolution Square
* Visit to the Forbidden Zone (El Vedado)
* Visit to the main architectural icons during the years 1900 and 1959

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